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Below are all available clojure-lsp installation methods, after installed, follow the documentation for your editor's language client. See Clients.

Homebrew (MacOS and Linux)#

We have a custom tap using the native compiled binaries for users that use homebrew:

brew remove clojure-lsp # if you have old clojure-lsp installed via brew
brew install clojure-lsp/brew/clojure-lsp-native


Stable release:

sudo bash < <(curl -s

nightly build:

curl -O
chmod a+x install
sudo ./install --version nightly


clojure-lsp is available in the nixpkgs:

nix-shell -p clojure-lsp

or if using flakes:

nix run github:clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp
# or
nix shell github:clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp

or consume the flake overlay:

inputs.clojure-lsp.url = "github:clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp";
nixpkgs.overlays = [ inputs.clojure-lsp.overlays.default ];

Arch Linux#

clojure-lsp is available in the Arch User Repository. It can be installed using your favorite AUR helper such as yay, yaourt, apacman and pacaur. Here is an example using yay:

yay -S clojure-lsp-bin


clojure-lsp is available as a native executable in the Clojure Scoop bucket. You need to install Scoop if you don't have it already.

Issue following command to download the clojure-lsp executable.

scoop install clojure-lsp

clojure-lsp builds using GraalVM a native executable for each OS: Linux, MacOS and Windows.


The binaries are available on Github releases as clojure-lsp-native-<os>-<arch>.zip, after downloading you just need to unzip it.

Embedded jar (Legacy executable)#

In Github releases you will find a clojure-lsp file that runs a embedded jar. This should be removed soon, use GraalVM binaries instead.

  • You need java on your $PATH.
  • Grab the latest clojure-lsp from github LATEST
  • Place it in your $PATH with a chmod 755

Last update: March 21, 2025